The “Briefing on Ukraine” was held at Princess Lobkowicz’s residence to discuss the ongoing Military, Supply Chain, Economics and Humanitarian flashpoints that are currently unfolding in the Ukraine.
H.E Mr. Daan Huisinga, Dutch Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Defense Attaché to the Ukrainian Embassy, Prague, Col. Oleksii Nahorianskyi and Defense Attaché to the Indian Embassy, Prague, Col. Anupam Ashish, along with Vice Presidents of the Prague Society, members and business leaders were joined online by – among others – Prof. Marc S Ellenbogen, President of the Prague Society and Major General Bruce Lawlor, Norfolk (USA). The group engaged in lively discussions across three continents on the invasion of Russia into the Ukraine and its consequences for a new world order, geostrategic repositioning, a looming economic and international food crisis and its humanitarian aspects. Held under Oxford Union rules – without attribution and without recording
From left to right: Ms Eva Anderova, Member Prague Society, Mr Alex Huskinson, Assistant to Prague Society, Mr Yulian Hvozdyk, student, Mr Bert Stiers, Vice President Prague Society, H.S.H Elizabeth Princess Lobkowicz, Mr Meshulam Zizzo, Owner and Chief Editor Czech and Slovak Leaders magazine, H.E ambassador to Netherlands Mr Daan Huisinga, Mr Oscar Blazek, Associate BPV Braun, Mr Jens Geitmann, Vice President Prague Society, COL Mr Anupam Ashis, Defence Attaché Indian Embassy